Product Tracking System (ÜTS) is a platform where all medical devices, cosmetic products and biocidal products that come into contact with the human body (Type-1 / Type-19) produced or imported in Turkey are recorded. It is a recording and follow-up system in which effective market surveillance and inspection activities can be carried out for the products that are recorded and monitored for each product from the point of production - import to the point of sale or use.
In order to ensure product tracking before cosmetic products are placed on the market, they must be reported to the Ministry's Product Tracking System (ÜTS) platform in accordance with the Cosmetics Law No. 5324.
ÜTS kayıt dışı ekonomiyle mücadele etmeyi, etkin denetim faaliyetleri yürütmeyi, güvenli ürünlere erişimi kolaylaştırmayı ve sağlık girişimlerini desteklemeyi amaçlamaktadır.