Consultancy Services
Safety Assessment in Cosmetic Products
It has been ensured by laws and regulations (Cosmetic Regulations Article 12) that the cosmetic products that we...
Product Information File (PIF)
The Product Information File is a collection of technical documentation required for each cosmetic product to be...
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Every cosmetic product that we frequently use in our lives includes natural materials as well as some chemical materials...
GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices)
GMP is a quality system that guides manufacturers on how and under what conditions the cosmetic products that...
Dangerous Goods Safety Consultancy
Cosmetics is a special sector due to its internal dynamics. In the production phase of the cosmetics industry, which continues...
Label / Formulation Compliance Check Service
The formulation and the product label are the whole of the elements that make up the identity of the cosmetic product. The raw...

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