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Training Services

First of all, starting from our science-based principle, we see the cosmetic product as the result of a scientific study rather than just a consumable item.

It is one of our most valued goals to ensure that every cosmetic employee who is devoted to the sector and does this job with passion, takes part in this path with the right jobs.

In our trainings titled Responsible Management, Consultancy in Cosmetic Products, Preparation of Product Information File (ÜBD), Safety Evaluation in Cosmetic Products, the hours of our lessons in which theoretical and practical information are taught vary for each training, and we conduct them online or with company visits.

We are happy to accompany you on your journey with both individual and company trainings so that cosmetic product safety is evaluated and reported accurately from beginning to end.

*You can get detailed information about the training category you need by contacting us.

You can contact us about our services that you would like to get an offer by using our Offer Form.
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