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Fight Aging With Vitamin A!

The healthy, beautiful and well-groomed appearance of the skin is provided by the most widely used cosmetics today. When the products meet the needs of the skin, combined with the technology of our age and the developing industry, it has become indispensable. Achieving the expected benefit depends on the rational use of the products. The choice and regular use of the skin can be achieved with the awareness of the consumer. To be able to create this requires knowing the purposes of the actives used in the formulations of cosmetic preparations and having knowledge of what their benefits are to the skin. Vitamin A derivatives, which are frequently found in anti-age products of recent years, continue to come to the fore with their positive effects on the skin.

Although the anti-aging effect of vitamin A is very popular among the benefits of vitamin A on the skin, its skin-friendly effects have become undeniable as a result of clinical and laboratory studies carried out for years.

What is vitamin A?

One of the synthetic derivatives of vitamin A is retinoids. They are biological regulators that have receptor-specific effects in the body. Retinol is a component that is metabolized in the body to retinoic acid. Retinoic acid are pharmacological substances that partially reverse the cutaneous changes (Photoaging) that occur as a result of excessive sun exposure. In recent years, it is included in many skin care products in order to eliminate the damage caused by UV rays.

They are especially used for the removal of facial wrinkles and sun-related spots (solar lentigo), removal of precancerous actinic keratoses, wound healing and removal of striae.

What are vitamin A derivatives? What is the difference between them?

Known as retinoids, retinol and retin-A are both vitamin A compounds.

The part where they differ from each other is that retin-A can be prescribed by a dermatologist, while Retinol is an over-the-counter product that can be included in formulations in cosmetic preparations and take its place on the shelves as a final product. Therefore, not all retinoids are the same. For example, tretinoin is much stronger than retinol and is found in smaller amounts in cosmetic products.

What is the working mechanism of cosmetic preparations containing vitamin A derivatives on the skin?

Creams containing vitamin A are considered to have a rejuvenating effect on the skin. Because vitamin A increases the secretion of collagen in the skin, providing the tightness of the skin.

At the same time, vitamin A, which has a peeling feature, can provide a fresh and new skin to come from under the worn skin. It reduces uneven pigmentation (increase in color) on the skin. It helps to lighten sunspots.

What are the skin benefits?

  • Used to treat acne
  • Helps treat sunspots and skin spots
  • It is therapeutic against skin cancer
  • Effective in the treatment of herpes
  • It stands out with its anti-aging effect in the treatment of wrinkles.
  • It is antioxidant and helps slow down aging.
  • Solves skin flaking
  • Good for winter eczema

Things to pay attention…

Retin-A and retinol substances can make you have a radiant complexion when applied regularly. However, in order to be protected from its harmful side effects, it is necessary to know the tolerance of your skin to this substance. For this reason, when using products containing vitamin A, you should first try and observe with very small amounts. Also, if you apply your retinol product before going out in the sun, your skin may be sensitive to this product. Because retinol tends to thin the top layer of the skin, it makes your skin more vulnerable to the sun. For this reason, it is better to use your products containing vitamin A derivatives at night.

What is the underlying reason for the frequent use of antioxidants in cosmetic products?

Antioxidants are structures that maintain their currency and are the focus of attention day by day. Each antioxidant substance examined has the chance to reach the consumer in the cosmetic product after a suitable formulation is developed. The point to be noted here is that a substance, mixture or plant extract that shows antioxidant properties in vitro conditions and proves this in skin cell culture studies can protect itself chemically. It is also the fact that it needs a formulation that will not change its effectiveness and will allow it to progress in the skin. For this reason, you should pay attention to the products you use and learn to observe the effects on your skin. Remember, a person is his own doctor first. As long as you can control yourself, the rest will be much easier.

  • Helps the skin regain its elasticity
  • Helps reduce wrinkles by supporting natural collagen production
  • It protects the skin against the harmful UV effects of sun rays.

Dr. Ecz. Neslihan Şahin