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Anti-Aging Treatment

Life continues to flow at full speed. When we talk about our ties to our past, our dreams and ideals for the future, we move away from the moment. We can't concentrate on the moment we are in the day we are. Moreover, we cannot take care of ourselves, our health, and our appearance in this rapidly passing time turmoil. Yes, life's expectations from us are quite high, but aren't our expectations of ourselves and our lives equally high? Especially when there is a concept like age…

In order not to be disappointed, shouldn't we take action right now, from the moment you read this article? Let's take a look at the concept of anti-aging treatment for our image that changes with each passing day, in order to stay at peace with mirrors, first of all, to live this life offered to us, and for our health, which is the most necessary.

Let's see where this popular word comes from and what does it actually mean?

The unavoidable process: Aging

The meaning of anti-aging is to prevent old age, which is not possible. Because aging is an inevitable process. However, when the concept of anti-aging treatment is mentioned, what is meant is to be able to live a healthier long life and to age with health. This is a kind of package program and therefore should be considered as a multi-disciplinary approach. In other words, it is a health package program that covers everything from nutrition to physical activity, adequate sleep, dermatological care and aesthetic surgery, and even needs to be supported by values that concern all health.

Things to pay attention

The topics to be considered are as follows: Proper nutrition, smoking, exercise programs, sun protection, vitamins, antioxidants, hormone therapy, skin care, chemical peels (peelings), skin rejuvenating lasers, plastic and reconstructive surgical approaches.

Anti-oxidants and cell regulators

Antioxidants and cell regulators are the main actives that are used in anti-aging cosmetic preparations, which are the most popular subject of the cosmetic industry, and have many benefits for the skin. Vitamins, polyphenols and flavonoids are the most widely used antioxidants. These valuable substances reduce the concentration of free radicals in the tissues and reduce the destruction of collagen. Cell regulators such as retinols, peptides and growth factors take the lead in increasing collagen production, which decreases with age. In other words, antioxidants and cell-regulating actives are complementary and supportive substances to make the skin more vigorous, healthy and beautiful in a complete team work.

Benefits of cosmetic products

Cosmetic products developed by using advanced technology and pharmaceutical carrier systems in cosmetic formulas provide great support in terms of protecting the health of the skin within the scope of anti-aging treatment. Moisturizers and plumpers, antioxidants, cell regulators and many more valuable active substances are enriched by joining the composition of anti-aging formulations.

Our skin, whose defense mechanism slows down with age, needs the support of cosmetic preparations containing such special substances. For this reason, during the irresistible aging process, it is our duty; Paying attention to all aspects of our health from A to Z, consciously benefiting from the support offered by technology and the world of cosmetics...

Wishing to move forward with health.

Dr. Ecz. Neslihan Şahin