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Mirror mirror tell me is there anyone in this world more beautiful than me...

' asked Snow White's equally beautiful but icy-hearted stepmother. The mirror said yes… There is someone much more beautiful than you. That was the first day the queen lost her unwavering trust. Maybe it was the first day of a life to lose.

In fact, even fairy tales wanted to tell us how dangerous this beauty myth could be. But we were so engrossed in the princess wrapped in cotton waiting to be rescued by her prince, her legendary beauty, that a prince would exist, that one day, one day, he would find us and save us from this whirlpool, that we could not see the true message that was meant to be given to us. Or let's be honest, we didn't want to see...

How strange, now I see this tale from a completely different perspective, which I grew up with when I was a child, dreaming of a thousand and one dreams. How beautifully Coco Chanel said; Beauty, for what a sweet lie you are. When we became passionate about that lie, we forgot, we built all our facts and thoughts with this mistake. We came to the game of "If we were beautiful, we were valuable, if we were not, we were not that much". Even Plato believed that what is beautiful is good and what is good is beautiful, and defended the idea that our visible face mirrors our shadowy true self, and in fact, according to Croce; While beauty is a concept created by the mind, and even in Hegel, while thinking that Beauty is the reflection of the absolute soul, years pass and things change, to Coco Chanel, who said that beauty begins only when you decide to be yourself and who broke new ground in the world of women, to all thinkers, the creator, but most of all to Coco Chanel. What was this injustice that we did to ourselves?

How right Sophia Loren was when she said that nothing can make a woman beautiful but her belief that she is beautiful, adding to my admiration with every single word; Is it possible not to applaud Chanel, who said that if you are worried about your appearance, first worry about your heart and soul, or no cosmetics will help you...

I mean, No! I'm not trying to convince you, I'm screaming our true value that we know but for some reason we are so eager to forget until we heal.. until we learn to see our happiness with our own eyes, not others' eyes, until we learn to see our happiness with our own eyes, not depend on temporary criteria, get away from comparisons and exaggerations and become simple, until we remember our value and remember our value. until we act with consciousness.. Until we see how beautiful we are in our pupils...

Because the beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes. So do not harbor fear or worry in those eyes. Leave hope, trust, tolerance and innocence in your eyes. Let the message you give to the world reach the Creator, so that real beauty can come and find us. So that we don't have time to forget what is real and what is mirage. Let the universe surround you with all its beauty and beauties… And most importantly, be beautiful so that your beautiful heart will come to life on your face. Don't be afraid to be cliche, shout out loud; that a beautiful heart is a representation of facial beauty.

Now go in front of the mirror and say until you see it in your eyes;

I'm Beautiful…

So plain, so simple and so deep…

Dr. Ecz. Neslihan Şahin