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A Beauty Sleep

Time is working against each of us. Each new day we wake up brings with it small changes, along with our gratitude. Like tiny grains floating in a huge hourglass, our health, youth and beauty undergo changes with each flow. The seasons change, the cold gives way to the heat, and like sweet chameleons, we keep up with the natural conditions, grow, develop, change and get old. We left the winter behind. We opened our eyes to the promising glimmers of summer. In a very short future, we will wake up to autumn again. What did we do in all this adventure? We opened the chests, equipped them with winter coats, and left their place to bright and lighter clothes due to seasonal conditions. We are ready. We did all this by transforming without realizing it. We slowly made our way with the flow. So why did we leave our souls aside? How did we disappoint our fallow selves so much? I say that; Where and at what stage did we leave our heart, soul, body and mind, when we look at the whole, ourselves, which makes us beautiful?

Fortunately, we awoke to another new day. Happily, we can still change things, complete the deficiencies, repair the broken ones, explore ourselves, and say 'Hello' to healthier mornings with firmer steps. We can be content with ourselves and at that point we can open the door of beauty, be its guest and then make it permanent. Because we have the potential to make every dream come true. We just have to act.

How Does?

Today we will deal with this subject. We will ask, we will question and we will act. If you are ready, our journey to the first vacation of the summer begins now, right now.

Don't sleep. Wake up!

Don't escape. Get ready!

Don't hold. Pour out the stones on your skirt, clean up!

Don't bend, raise your head, envy those who stand upright.

Ask yourself, who are you?

Remember your values. You priorities between them.

Touch your soul. Feed!

Wake up the innocent child inside you, call him!

Invite yourself into your presence. Breathe in your shade!

Put your requests in the queue without delay.

Dönüşü olmayan zamanda paslanma. Harekete geç. Eğlen!

Rusting in time of no return. Move on. Have fun!

Remember to love. By creation. First yourself, then everything that makes you you. Brew!

Then think! Don't fear of falling. What makes you happy in this life?

Shake it now!

Summer has arrived. Change is calling you.

Don't wait, go early!

Stand up! While you still have time.

Turn to the mirror, watch your reflection without taking your eyes away.

The answers are there. You are the light at the end of the tunnel. Only you are self sufficient. Take care!

Wash your face with plenty of water. Cleanse. Refresh.

Moisten the arid deserts of your heart. Breathe!

Listen yourself, don't turn your back on him.

Now if you know what to do, don't stop! Run, go find yourself. This journey is so much fun. Like Nasreddin Hodja, he is just as instructive. Then beauty will come and find you. You should be able to invite him first.

She will be so impressed by what he sees that he will not be able to give up his harmony. He will swear to grow old with you for a lifetime. Together, over time, you will gather the most productive harvest of the most beautiful blend. You are confident, beauty is satisfied with the body it is in, the beginning of a story that will make happy endings jealous, you will live forever satisfied with each other.

Dr. Ecz. Neslihan Şahin