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There Is No Biological Age, There Is Skin Age. So what does your skin say about your age !

Our skin is perhaps our most well-groomed and healthy clothing. Indeed, our skin easily reveals our age, as well as how well we take care of it. So how well do we know our real clothing, our skin? The key to achieving ideal skin starts with understanding the inner workings of this dynamic organ.

1. Anatomy and Physiology of the Skin

It is the largest organ of our body, weighing 10-12 kg, with an area of 1.85 square meters for adult men and 1.60 square meters for women, which completely covers our body with its skin layers, structural proteins and contents, and acts as a protective barrier. The health and surface appearance of the skin is determined by environmental factors and the function of the components that make up the lower layers.

In every 6.5 cm square of our skin on average; It has 650 sweat glands, 20 blood vessels, and more than a thousand nerve endings. Our skin is a truly incredible mechanism with its many functions. The outer layer of our skin consists of two elements: the layer of living cells called the epidermis; and the topmost layer of guard cells called the stratum corneum. If we want to help our skin, we must first understand the stratum corneum layer.

The stratum corneum is a functional layer that helps our skin respond to the environment and maintain the healthy state of our skin barrier. Think of the stratum corneum as a brick-and-mortar wall. “Bricks” are made up of corneocytes (hard, protective skin cells), while “mortar” is made up of lipids (a continuous layer that surrounds and protects the corneocytes). The corneocytes are connected by proteins called desmosomes. Inside each corneocyte are Natural Moisturizing Factors (NMF) that attract moisture to the skin.

The stratum corneum regulates the natural rate of water loss in your skin; This process is called Transepidermal Water Loss (or TEWL). Normal, healthy, moist skin loses about 80-100 grams of water every day. The TEWL process is influenced by the integrity of the lipid structure and the Natural Moisturizing Factor. In healthy hydrated skin, these elements regulate the TEWL rate and maintain the appropriate moisture level in the stratum corneum.

2. Healthy cellular development

Healthy cellular development takes place as long as we can maintain the moisture in our skin. Thanks to the optimum moisture level and protection against drying, all the elements of our skin, from lipids to Natural Moisturizing Factors, desmosomes and cell maturation, function in integrity, providing a healthy and moist skin.

3. Healthy and Beautiful Skin

4 Golden keys to Healthy and Beautiful Skin; Moisture balance, Elasticity, Tone and Skin Radiance (Brightness).

The two most important support materials responsible for the strength and elasticity of our skin are collagen and elastin. Collagen is our body's main, structural protein, found in the dermis, the second skin layer below the epidermis. It is our skin's reservoir of water. In other words, increasing collagen also means increasing the moisture and tone of the skin. The newly formed young collagen in the skin is called 'procollagen'. Procollagen is formed in 72 hours and turns into collagen after 8-12 weeks. Collagen provides resistance, durability, smoothness and a plump appearance to our skin, it is extremely important to constantly increase or protect our collagen level.

Elastin, on the other hand, is a protein found in the Dermis and produced by cell bonds, a very important 'Youth Protein'. There is no single protein as important as Elastin for our skin beauty. Because Elastin is responsible for the elasticity of our skin. It helps to maintain the elasticity and elasticity of our skin.

So, you definitely need to increase your collagen value and increase your elastin ratio so that you can have a fit, tight, young, healthy skin!

4. Your skin is a miracle in itself, take care of it, how is it?

Knowing our skin, understanding its needs and doing what is necessary is the most beautiful and lifelong gift we can give to our skin, and therefore to ourselves. Moreover, contrary to what we think, it is not difficult to have a healthy and glowing skin. It just requires stability and loyalty. Here are the most important outlines of having a healthy and beautiful skin;

– Eat Regularly and Get Enough Sleep

– Make sure to clean your skin in the morning and evening.

– Never stop moisturizing your skin

– Increase your skin's Elastin production

– Protect your skin: Sunscreens

Love Yourself And Be Happy…

Dr. Ecz. Neslihan Şahin