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Skin Care with Natural Thermal Water

As the philosopher Thales, one of the oldest and most famous of the seven great scholars who lived before Christ, said, the source of everything is water. Water, which is a large part of our body, is indispensable for cells to continue their activities in a healthy way. In addition, the first and universal medicine known is water. Again, according to Thales' philosophy, everything arises from water and returns to water again. Today, we will return to the field of use in cosmetics, with the contribution of the universe to water and the skin. However, we will focus on natural thermal waters, which are quite rich in mineral salts and elements, rather than ordinary waters.

What is thermal water?

Thermal water is underground spring water that naturally emerges from a protected underground water source or is extracted artificially by drilling and contains minerals, salts and radioactive substances. Thermal waters contain many of the minerals found in the human body. The relationship of human beings with thermal waters, BC. It dates back to the 2000s, and these healing waters have gained importance not only in the healing of diseases, but also as a beauty elixir.

What are its features?

The most basic features of thermal waters are that they come from the depths of the earth, have physical and chemical properties that do not change, are bacteriologically pure and have pharmacological effects.

At the beginning of the wide usage areas of thermal waters; Includes skin care, acne irritation, redness, rosacea treatment, sunburns and makeup fixing.

What are the effects on the skin?

Thermal waters, which are frequently used in the field of health due to their characteristic feature, easily penetrate the structure of the skin thanks to the natural minerals and salts they contain and provide a soothing and restorative effect. Therefore, it is very useful for the care of sensitive, irritated and allergic skin. In addition, with its moisturizing effect, thermal waters to be applied to the red and dry skin in cold weather have a relaxing, refreshing, nourishing and balancing effect on your skin.

What are the usage areas?

Due to the contribution of thermal water to the skin, products called 'thermal water sprays' have been developed, which take their place as a new and indispensable member of skin care. Mineral-rich thermal water sprays added to dermocosmetics have become one of the cornerstones of the most admired skin care routine of recent years.

How is it used?

You can benefit from thermal water sprays in many different ways. For example, you can nourish and moisturize the skin with a thermal water spray that you will apply to the skin before make-up. At the same time, you can wet the sponge on which you will apply the make-up with your thermal spray, and you can make your make-up look more wet and lively. Another benefit of this application is that it allows the make-up to stay on the skin longer and more stable.

You can also benefit from its soothing and redness-relieving properties for sweating and reddening skin after sports. You can refresh the dry skin, especially during plane travel, by applying thermal water spray, and you can also benefit from its moisturizing properties. You can use it as a tonic that adds glow to your skin during the day, and you can support the tired skin. Another important use is the application at night before going to bed. You can take care of it by applying thermal water to your clean skin at night, when cell renewal is most common.

Dr. Ecz. Neslihan Şahin