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Do not neglect the care of your hair as you enter September

We left behind a whole year after snow, winter and cold. We opened our eyes to September before we could get enough of the Summer that we yearned for. When we say skin care, the structure of our skin, we have never been able to reach our hair. However, like the past seasons, we have worked so hard with our hair. That's why it's time to take care of our hair, which is one of the most magical elements of our beauty. Here in this article, we will get to know our hair, our crown jewel, a little more closely and prepare it for the upcoming winter with health.

But first I must persuade you to take this little journey. Why does our hair need us and we need them?

If my hair is beautiful, I am beautiful too

One of the leading elements of beauty measures is hair. Our hair is also a symbol of our body language and how we express ourselves. They are the mirror image of our mood. They are mute, but they know very well how to reveal our mood. Moreover, this visual feast is not only for us, those who do not know witness how the day went for us, on the occasion of the message we give without noticing with our hair.

If make-up is a camouflage, I want you to know, they need hair, a helping hand so you can hide yourself. And they will be able to heal you without realizing it, when you praise yourself in the mirror. That's why I'm saying, we need them, and they need our attention. If life is common, you can have your share in our hair from this sharing. Because no matter what, seeing beautiful makes us think beautiful and thinking beautiful will make us feel beautiful. In other words, I can briefly summarize that no maintenance is in vain. It is the most precious gift to be given to both ourselves and our souls.

I believe we agree and I add;

Beautiful hair takes effort.

He wants it, because there are external factors that our hair is exposed to at least as much as the souls we carry. There is rain, there is snow, then suddenly there is the sun, there is deprivation of salt water, there are mistakes and deficiencies made in all these seasonal transitions, of course, there are endless blow dryers and paints. In other words, they do not have an easy life, believe me, we should not forget; they have growth, rest, shedding, reincarnations, in short, they also have an order like us. That's why some effort, attention and care is needed.

I seem to hear you give up, so we are ready for that certain question;

How does my hair shine with health?

First of all, September is the month, be prepared for hair loss, because according to research, our hair falls out the most in September and October. The reason for this is that our hair enters the Telogen (resting) period in July. With the wink of autumn, we will bid farewell to our old hair strands and thus start new hair production, dear dermal papilla. However, in this transition period, our hair is deficient in Zinc, vitamins and some amino acids. That's why when Eylül says hello, remember, you will need vitamin and mineral support so that shedding will be more minimal.

Then, when your new hair begins to grow, remember;

A beautiful September starts with healthy hair then what to do;

Considering that our summer vacation and seaside pleasure are over, I say repair time first and invite you to maintenance.

Get rid of your hair splits immediately, what's gone is gone, what's left is ours.

Then the lost moisture should be replaced. Because when our hair loses its moisture, it will be more fragile, lifeless and dull, and this will reflect linearly on our image and then on our psychology. So my suggestion is to apply deep moisturization once a week.

For example, use a moisturizing shampoo rich in B and E vitamins and apply conditioner to the hair after shampooing. In this way, you can add moisture to your hair and renew your hair.

When choosing a moisturizer, choose deep moisturizers that contain protein, olive oil and other moisturizing ingredients. Learn the importance of B vitamins in hair health. Please experience Biotin and D-panthenol will be helpful. Know that deep moisturizers have the power to penetrate the hair follicles and can contribute positively to the level of moisture.

In addition, silicone-style repair agents to be applied to wet hair after bathing also support the integrity of the hair shaft and reduce breakage by providing a shiny appearance.

But most importantly, it is necessary to live healthy and eat healthy, show the greatest care at this point.

Avoid a carbohydrate-heavy diet. Consuming protein-rich foods will make your hair healthier.

Iron deficiency will make our hair unhealthy, as it does in our entire body. Fix this shortcoming.

And most importantly, try to stay away from stress, the disease of our age.

Be Consciously Beautiful…

Dr. Ecz. Neslihan Şahin