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A young and beautiful skin is an element of beauty in itself. However, human beings are also condemned to grow old. In this case, even the most beautiful woman will one day grow old and lose her former beauty. But this does not mean that we cannot do anything. We may not be able to prevent aging, but we can age later. So I'm going to tackle a topic that I realized how late I was discovering.

Moreover, it is a technique that does not require anything from you other than your time, gives very satisfactory results, you can see the changes in yourself moment by moment, and most importantly, it will enhance your beauty.
Let's examine it together.

Let's examine it together.

Face yoga is a very important sport that we should add to our lives as soon as possible with the benefits it provides. Because there are approximately 52 muscles in our face. The purpose of facial yoga is to strengthen the facial muscles with correct movements.

Just as regular exercise is necessary to keep the body in shape, the same goes for the muscles in our face. Since these muscles are not exercised, they begin to weaken and sagging appears in the general facial appearance.

Doing facial exercises or facial yoga is a completely natural way to keep the muscles that sag with age in shape, and if learned and applied correctly, will make your face look younger and tighter.

What is its relevance to beauty and what are its benefits?

There are two groups of people reading this article right now: My dear fellow citizens who are sure of their beauty and are worried about getting older, and those who are not satisfied and think "What can I do?" In any case, I can say this; A person cannot realize the beauty he has without losing what he has. Youth and young skin are a gift and symbol in themselves.

So be you, don't underestimate face yoga. Because when you strengthen these muscles, your skin will become tighter and your lines will become clear. Yes, maybe it won't be able to fight the existing wrinkle, but it will protect what is there.

In addition, facial yoga provides the greatest miracle that will prevent the existing wrinkles from deepening and prevent new wrinkles from appearing.

It deserves to be taken. The trick here is an expert who can help you perform these exercises correctly. The rest is yours Your labor and stability.

Should I do all the exercises?

It all depends on you, your face and your age. Exercises vary from person to person in line with the needs of the face can show. My suggestion; Identify areas that are problematic or prone to sagging and choose exercises that will exercise those muscles.

How often should it be applied?

To start, you should repeat the exercises three times a day, six days a week. You should rest your face on the seventh day and continue this frequency for three months.

Afterwards, you can reduce it to twice a day. Starting from the seventh month, you will see that your facial muscles have recovered. In order to maintain this condition, it will be sufficient to do the exercises every day before going to bed.

Remember; Becoming beautiful is an art in itself and requires discipline. I wish you to achieve the beauty you deserve, may your beauty be forever.

Dr. Ecz. Neslihan Şahin