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Woman and Beauty

Attention for this couple!

It is as old as the history of humanity. The desire for beauty that sprouts in women… It is an endless mirage that is always wanted for more. It is a mirage that wastes us and makes us tired on this path.. To be the 'most'. It is shaped by the eyes that look at it, it becomes valuable or decreases, it becomes nothing, it flies away… And beauty is actually a trust… That is why; Whatever you see in the mirror does not belong to you, it is only a trust from Allah to you. It is our duty to protect this trust in the best way possible.

And at this point, the concept of 'Cosmetics' enters between the woman and the beauty duo, and she continues her life with them as an indispensable part. They become inseparable parts of a whole. Because the concept of cosmetics, 'Cosmetique' in its original form, has passed from French to Turkish and means beauty preparation related to image beautification. The origin of this concept is based on the Greek 'Cosmos' concept of ornament, beautification, tidying up. Our amazing trio Women, Beauty and Cosmetics are connected to each other by these invisible webs. And that day comes to life, develops and lives with us in our lives.

Cosmetics are; They are all products and substances applied to the body or any part of the body to be cleaned, beautified, attractive and gain a different appearance. In other words, they are indispensable for our trust that we are obliged to love and protect. Cosmetics are our companions that help us make the beauties bestowed upon us more beautiful and attractive… They are the shine in our hair, the scent on our skin, the cleanliness of our skin, and our rebellion against life.

I wanted to talk about the place of cosmetics and cosmetic products in our lives, and the relationship between beauty and beauty, in this article where I say 'Hello' to you, dear readers, in my own language. In the future, we will embark on a long journey from skin-friendly cosmetic products to the issues that we should pay attention to in cosmetic products.

Finally, I say 'There is No Ugly Woman, There Is A Woman Who Doesn't Feel Beautiful' and I end my article here today, leaving you with your thoughts.

May your beauty be forever

Dr. Ecz. Neslihan Şahin