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Unknows About Dandruff

The word dandruff and the problem of dandruff is a very common and very annoying skin problem that manifests itself with itching and white rashes. In fact, dandruff is a form of seborrheic dermatitis. Contrary to popular belief, it tends to occur on very oily skin, not dry skin.

In this article, I will tell you the relationship between dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis, the point of separation, treatment methods and supportive cosmetic products in this process. Here are the unknowns about the dandruff problem…

What is seborrheic dermatitis?

The secretion from the sebaceous glands is called 'sebum', and the secretion of excess sebum is called 'seborrhea'. Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin disease in which chronic, inflamed and thin crusts occur in areas where seborrhea is seen at excessive levels. Red skin under the crusts is due to inflammation and inflammation. SD, also known as Malassezia seborrheic eczema, can occur on both scalp and hairless skin. Inflammation is often caused by the immune system. In addition, it has a connection with a yeast type microorganism with a rapid growth feature.

Who is it seen in?

Although it is most common in children aged three years, it is a disease that is seen in all age groups and has a high tendency to relapse after treatment. It is more common in men and people with oily skin. Conditions such as weak immune system, deficiency of certain substances (zinc) or nervous system disorders (parkinsonian) are factors in the formation of seborrheic dermatitis. In addition, stress and seasonal changes can also be triggers of the disease.

Is it treated?

This non-communicable skin disease can be treated, but it is not possible to prevent or completely eradicate it. From time to time, iterations and relapses can recur. Inflammation can be kept under control with continuous treatment. Cortisone cream or lotion applications are the most commonly used treatment. Cortisone treatment should be followed by treatment with products containing anti-fungal anti-mycotic substances thought to be related to this disease.

What is Dandruff?

The problem of dandruff is also a type of seborrheic dermatitis. It is seen on the scalp, but there is no inflammation. Therefore, the scalp is not red in color, only scaly crusts are seen. The presence of a microorganism from the yeast group, which digests this oil and reproduces rapidly on oily scalp, is one of the important causes of dandruff formation.

Support from cosmetic products

The auxiliary effect of cosmetic products in the treatment of SD is undeniable. Shampoos containing active ingredients such as desensitizers, soothing agents, anti-mycotics (zinc pyrithione, octipirox, klimbazol, ketacanazol, selenium sulfate, sulfur, etc.) and exfoliants (salicylic acid) in their formulation will be beneficial.
Shampoo, serum or foam if used on hair; Lotion is the most suitable product for use on the body, and cream for use on the face.

Dr. Ecz. Neslihan Şahin