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Clay mask, inherited from the Ottoman Empire

Regardless of the century, all women have been fond of their beauty and have resorted to many methods to give their skin the care they deserve. Ottoman women and sultans found the beauty that we try to capture with today's cosmetic products in herbal mixtures they obtained naturally. Although time has passed, technology has advanced and cosmetic products have increased, however, beauty that can be obtained naturally has always been more attractive. Therefore, our topic today is 'clay and clay masks' inherited from the Ottoman Empire. Because, while we were using the clay masks that we bought under the name of natural method, Ottoman women used to put water on the clay and wait and filter the water on the clay that had settled to the bottom. Moreover, there are some rumors that one of the beauty secrets of Cleopatra in Ancient Egypt was a clay mask. In addition, we learn from the experiences of those times that while clay softens the hair, it also nourishes the hair and skin. In other words, clay that cleanses, tightens, nourishes and removes toxins from all kinds of skin is a panacea.

So, what is Clay?

Literally, clay, which becomes a plastic paste when wetted with water, can be easily shaped, is used in various fields, is a soft and oily soil type, is actually a natural wonder that contains many riches of the earth and has brought health and beauty to human beings throughout history. In other words, it is the name given to the granular material generally smaller than 0.002 mm, which consists of the pulverized pieces of soil, rocks, tuff and lava from volcanoes, and contains natural minerals such as iron, aluminum, magnesium, calcium, silicon, zinc. However, pulverized soil and clay are different, and clay is much more heavily mineralized and structurally composed of much smaller particles than soil. Clay is found in different features and colors in different parts of the world. Generally, it is yellowish, reddish and brown in color. It is the density of minerals in the surrounding area that gives clay its color.

Why clay?

Yüzeye çekme ve emme özellikleri sebebiyle vücudu toksik maddelerden arındırma özelliği bahşedilmiş olan kil, canlı çamur olarak adlandırılmıştır.Kilin yer altında uzun süre sıcak su basıncına maruz kalması kristalize olmasına ve negatif elektrikle yüklenmesine sebep olur. Kristalleşen kil çok küçük parçalara ayrılır ve bu da kilin vücutta kolayca emilmesini sağlar.
Negatif yükleri sayesinde ise kil pozitif yüklü toksik maddeleri cilt yüzeyine çeker ve daha sonra bunları emerek vücuttan uzaklaştırma vazifesini yerine getirir. Cilt yüzeyindeki fazla yağı alan kilin en önemli faydası aşırı yağlı ciltlerde yağ üretimini dengelemesidir. Kil maskesinin bir diğer faydası barındırdığı minerallerle cildi beslemesi ve doğal bir parlaklık vermesidir.

What are the benefits of clay mask for the skin?

• From the moment it is applied to the face, the clay begins to stimulate the skin.

• You can use clay masks to get rid of the spots on your skin.

• Although a clay mask is a great solution for roughness on your skin that you can only feel when you touch it with your hand, it is easily removed thanks to clay masks.

• As soon as the clay mask is applied, blood flow accelerates and cells begin to regenerate. Clay masks are also effective in removing acne under the skin.

• After the clay mask, you should apply a moisturizing application to your skin.

• When used regularly, it also helps in getting rid of skin blemishes and acne spots.

Things to consider when applying a clay mask

• It is a fact that clay masks are beneficial for the skin, but applying clay masks to the skin every day will do more harm than good to your skin. Since clay mask stretches the face, it can cause wrinkles in people who use it frequently. Therefore, it is ideal to apply Clay masks once a week.

• The clay mask should be left on the skin for a maximum of 5-6 minutes. Then you can rinse with warm water.

• If your skin has a sensitive skin structure, the clay mask should be applied to the arm area first and then applied to the face.

• After the application, you should not forget to moisturize your skin.

Clay Mask Recipe

- Water

- Clay

• Pour the clay and then the water into a glass bowl and mix well.

• When the mixture reaches a dark consistency, apply a thin layer to your face.

• Wait for about 5 minutes and clean your skin with lukewarm water.

• You can also use rose water instead of water while preparing the mask.

Footnote: Clay mask can be used in combination with any liquid that can benefit your skin. It can be made more useful by mixing with many liquids such as rose water, chamomile water, cucumber juice, which I mentioned above. The important thing is that there is no chemical substance in it and it is completely natural.

Clay mask also gives very positive results when applied to ingrown scars. If you have problems such as sunken, blackheads on your skin, it is a great skin care formula that must be used.

Moreover, Clay is a care formula that you can use without having to take a break, summer and winter.

May your beauty be forever

Dr. Ecz. Neslihan Şahin