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Cosmetics Do Not Conceive Miracles

Many cosmetic products, which are available in beauty salons, markets and departments and vary according to skin types and needs, are waiting to be purchased to meet the needy. Consumers, on the other hand, continue to buy and use products by trial and error method, without knowing exactly what they need, in this rapidly increasing diversity. When the consumer's high expectation from cosmetic products is combined with the sharp claims of the brands, the product, which is bought with desire and desire, results in disappointment after use.

So, where and from whom does the error come from? What do we need to know and pay attention to in order to be a conscious consumer? Let's take a look at what a cosmetic product is, what it does and what the expectations should be in order to get the most out of cosmetic products and to get the most efficient return on the amounts paid.

It is help beautify

Cosmetics; They are tools to help beautify the image formulated to clean, smell, protect and change the appearance. Treating is not among the functions of cosmetic products. However, they are preparations that can help and support treatment.

What should the expectations be?

I would like to draw attention to this sentence, “Changing the external appearance of the skin and protecting its health.” Because it is the sentence that best expresses the concept of cosmetic product. Now I want you to focus on the word 'exterior' and how cosmetic products can function. Cosmetic products cannot attempt a repair from the inside, because the ones that can make repairs from the inside are the therapeutics that we call 'medicine', which participate in the blood circulation and are initiated under the control of a doctor. Cosmetics are external interventions. In other words, they are preparations prepared for the purpose. An immediate and definite effect like medicine should not be expected.

Minimum usage time

The fact that a cosmetic product can contain claims means that apart from the ingredients that make it up, the amount of it is added and, accordingly, its contribution to the skin as a finished product, enriched with proven actives, is documented. This is the responsibility of a cosmetic product with claims. What the consumer should know is that the product will not work miracles from the moment it touches the skin. But it is his focus on the fact that with regular use and careful observation he will begin to notice the benefits. The skin renews itself every 28 days. After the age of 25, this process gets longer. This means that a product with an expected effect should be used patiently for at least 28 days.

In the light of all this information, the conclusion we need to reach is: Cosmetic products are tools that help reach a goal. They are not a miracle per se, and by definition, such expectations should not be entered into. Otherwise it will result in disappointment. As long as we know what to expect from a cosmetic product, they will continue to contribute to our lives as supporters to help protect our skin and hair beauty. Determining the need, choosing the right product, regular use and observation are the keys that will bring you the results you want.

Label information to be considered

The most important thing to consider when purchasing a cosmetic product is to be able to read the label. One of the questions I've been getting most often lately is about the fact that there is no expiration date on the products. In accordance with the latest published regulation, the expiration date on the label of cosmetic products with a lifespan longer than 30 months is expressed as 'an open jar and the number written in it'. E.g; If you see 12M on the label, it means 'product can be used for 12 months after opening'. If there is this symbol on the products you buy, you can write down the date you started using it and follow up how much more safely you can use it.

Dr. Ecz. Neslihan Şahin