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The color of your makeup is the color of your soul.

Everyone lives life in the color of their heart, and that's why women do their make-up as they feel. Plain, exaggerated or very colorful, maybe just as mate and dull… The color she feels is the color of the make-up she chooses on her face and the tone of the make-up on her face that reflects what she feels. That's why I always wonder, Is it make-up that makes a woman beautiful? Is it the feeling that pushes her to put on make-up and makes her look beautiful? Or is it a journey made out of excitement that adorns the woman's face?

‘Kadın ve Makyaj’ bu ikili, birbirlerini keşfetti edeli kaderleri mühürlendi. Birbirlerinden ayrılmaya hiç cesaret edemedi. Ne makyaj var olabildi kadınsız ne kadın yapabildi onsuz. Ne de çağımız sanayisi ve gelişen teknolojisiyle kayıtsız kalabildi bu ikilinin tutkusuna, aralarındaki kuvvetli bağa.

This great meeting took place thousands of years ago in Ancient Egypt. It drew our attention that the faces of the figures in Egyptian wall paintings were always painted with make-up. In this period, women wore headlights made with animal oil and black rue on their eyes. They used red earth color as lipstick to reveal the beauty of their lips, and because there was no nail polish at that time, they used henna on their hands. Ancient Aztec and Inca civilizations used a kind of paint obtained from red insects to paint their lips and nails. Since that day, make-up has opened a new era in the whole women's world, and has reached the present day by developing, multiplying but never decreasing.
In short, I would say that; No matter how far we go back in history, we see that 'Woman and Make-up' have never been separated since their paths crossed with each other, they have never been separated. It so happened that one day, even Plato came out and referred to it as "A woman without make-up is like food without salt". The way the woman who was taken for granted adorns her face.
Who knows, maybe the woman has hidden a resentment in her heart every time she paints her face? Maybe she wished to be even more beautiful with her excitement. Coco Chanel, who can express women's feelings very well, "If you are sad or heartbroken, put on your lipstick and attack". She underlined the power that make-up creates in the female soul.
“…as the strongest make-up, she put lipstick on her lips.” –Did the consensus of Reşat Nuri Güntekin and Coco Chanel also not make us think?
That's why Makeup is important to me and indeed to each of us. Because the woman secretly tells us about her soul. It tells us about us in the most silent way without speaking. We watch the woman we have become in the mirror, when we are alone with our faces. To me, make-up is the manifestation of emotions, a masterpiece created by the hands of human psychology. It is an opportunity to watch ourselves. It is our desire to see our deepest and a piece of concealment. The French word maquillage is derived from the word 'change your image with paint and beauty supplies'. The French maquiller is derived from the verb 'to paint, to make different by embellishing' with the suffix +age. It has taken its place today and in our Turkish as Makeup. In short, make-up is a single word, but it says a lot and teaches a lot.
After talking about the place of make-up in our lives, of course, I will not tell you not to wear make-up. Do it, but also remember: According to research, we use nine different cosmetic products a day and apply 126 different ingredients to our skin. This means that we are constantly loading chemicals on our skin. At this point, I want you to remember your skin care and choose the right make-up products.
Make-up is applied to clean skin!
Before using make-up products, you should thoroughly clean and moisturize the skin. Cleansed skin will instantly start to dry and stretch in direct proportion to the moisture it loses. Makeup applied to a dried skin will not create a beautiful image. More importantly, the last thing we want is for our skin to be dehydrated, dry and faded. So after face wash, moisturize your skin. Make-up done after skin cleansing will both create a more pleasant appearance on your face and protect your skin against possible comedones.
Our Skin and Make-up
If the cleaning of the skin and make-up materials is not taken care of and the make-up stays on the face for a long time, the most common side effects are comedones. In order to prevent possible skin problems, the most appropriate thing is to choose make-up products suitable for the skin type with the support of professionals and not to compromise on skin cleanliness.
Do not sleep with make-up!
The applied products should not stay on your face for a long time. The skin should be cleaned and moisturizer should be applied, especially while lying down. The make-up that stays on our face all day, cold air, wind, car exhausts, smoke, dust, all and more, settles on our face as a pattern without us being aware of it. If the skin is not cleaned, the remaining make-up products cause thickening of the skin, early wrinkles, enlargement of the pores, and dull and inhomogeneous color changes of the skin. For this reason, it is very important to clean the make-up before going to bed at night. Otherwise, you may wake up the next day with a more tired skin and possible skin problems.
Do not share your make-up products!
Side attachments are used in the application of most make-up products; such as brush, cotton, sponge. The joint use of these agents is a major problem in terms of the spread of interpersonal microbes. In addition, the application apparatus should be disposable, if possible, and the brushes should be cleaned and changed frequently.
Store your make-up products correctly!
The lids of make-up products should be tightly closed, they should not be kept in hot environments, and products that have expired should be thrown away. It should be ensured that the products are kept clean.
There is a decrease in the protective substances of cosmetic products that have been exposed to the sun. This reduces the life of the product. Therefore, it causes deterioration and bacterial growth before the expiry date. In short, pay attention to the expiration dates of your products and take care to keep them clean.
May your beauty be forever

Dr. Ecz. Neslihan Şahin