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Hair Care Friendly Cosmetic Products

There are indispensable things in life, they are indispensable, for example our hair. They are symbolic of our body language and the way we express ourselves. It is the mirror image of our mood. It is the complement of our beauty, the catalyst of our belief in ourselves. It is mute, but it knows very well how to reveal our mood. Moreover, this visual feast is not only for us, those who do not know witness how the day went for us, on the occasion of the message we give without noticing it with our hair. That's why I say to you; If life is a stage, let them do their part, too. Now it's time to give the hair the necessary care. Let's take a look at what we can do and see which products are friendly and supportive in this process.

Shiny hair in four steps

– Shampoo

– Conditioner

– Nourishing serum

– Care mask

Golden rule 1: The right shampoo

First of all, our hair starts with us, the intensity of the week, the oil, dirt, dandruff and dust that comes from the environment with the passing hours, give weight to us as well as our hair. Dirty hair both smells bad and casts a shadow on our beauty.

That's why it needs a deep cleaning. In order to get rid of all these, the need for shampoos comes to the fore.

What needs to be considered here is to bring the hair together with the shampoo it needs. If your hair is dry, worn, thin or over-processed, using a shampoo rich in B and E vitamins and with moisturizing properties also provides care. If you have dandruff problem, it would be wise to choose a shampoo that contains active ingredients to fight dandruff. This dandruff-fighting raw material called zincpyrithione is helpful in solving your problem.

In short, for clean, healthy and shining hair, first to start a cooperation with a shampoo that offers cleaning and care together, which our hair needs.

Golden rule 2: Moisturizing creams

After shampooing, our first golden rule, now it's time for conditioner. Because the conditioner protects the moisture balance by preventing your scalp from drying out. It also makes the hair look more lively and shiny.

The pH of the conditioner is between 3-5. In other words, it is acid-based and allows it to trap moisture by closing the hair caps that are opened after washing. With this softness, you will minimize spillage and breakage by breaking off while combing.

All you have to do is apply it to your hair ends after shampooing your hair and rinse it well. Do not forget that the main task of the conditioner is to repair and soften. That's why we need it too.

Golden rule 3: Nourishing serum

Hair serums are a unique opportunity for hair with the vitamins and various nourishing oils they contain. It helps to recover hair that has been exposed to too much heat, dye or other chemical processes. These products, which you can apply to clean or slightly moistened hair as often as desired, give fullness and volume. The scent it leaves behind is also very appealing. It also gives a healthy-looking glow and shine.

If you are considering a heat treatment on your hair, it is of great benefit to apply serum to the lengths and ends of your clean and damp hair. The serum minimizes the damage caused by the heat. A nourishing hair serum is always good.

Golden rule 4: Rich hair mask

The fourth golden rule of healthy glowing hair is a mask with a rich and nourishing formula. Masks, whose main task is to deeply moisturize the hair, add shine and prevent the formation of splits, are not for every after-bath; For use 1-2 times a week. Especially the hair that has been processed a lot or is very thin and tangled quickly needs to do this care.
When you pay attention to these applications, you will witness that the hair grows much healthier, looks lively and its density increases.

In summary, it is very important to know your hair and meet it with the right products it needs. The needs of your hair also change during seasonal transitions and even hormonal changes. You should pay attention to this and not give up control.

You owe your beauty to your hair, and remember that beauty also requires effort. I wish you to give yourself the work you deserve…

Güzelliğinizi saçınıza borçlusunuz ve unutmayın ki, güzellik de emek ister. Kendinize hak ettiğiniz emeği vermeniz dileğiyle…

Dr. Ecz. Neslihan Şahin