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Free Radicals and Antioxidants

The secret of staying young, beautiful and healthy is to understand the relationship between free radicals and antioxidants. Because the most emphasized subject among the theories of skin aging is the formation of free radicals. In this article, I would like to introduce you to not skin-friendly free radicals and skin-friendly antioxidants.

Free radicals are high-energy reactive oxygen molecules containing one or more unpaired electrons, formed as a result of natural body functions such as respiration and digestion. These unstable molecules tend to steal electrons from healthy cells in order to become stable. With this binding, they damage many biological materials such as proteins, fats and DNA. Ultimately, they trigger the aging process by causing collagen destruction and abnormal elastin deposition in the upper dermis.

What are the triggering factors?

Free radicals that occur naturally in every process that takes place in our body while breathing, eating; It accelerates the formation of free radicals in the body by being negatively affected by smoking, alcohol consumption, air pollution, stress, radiation and UV rays.

In response to the damage of reactive oxygen species, different natural defense systems in the body keep free radicals under control. Substances that prevent oxidation caused by free radicals and have the ability to capture and stabilize free radicals are called antioxidants.

What is the relationship between them?

There is a natural balance between free radicals and antioxidant systems. When this balance is disturbed, that is, when free radicals are more intense than antioxidant activity in metabolism, damage occurs in cells and tissues. In this case, cells age by losing their functionality. With the advancing age (after 25 years), the body's antioxidant production gradually decreases and the body is exposed to more free radical formation. Therefore, more antioxidant supplements should be taken with aging.

Antioxidants can be given orally or topically to support the body's own antioxidant mechanism. Otherwise, free radicals damage cells, lay the groundwork for many diseases (cancer, atherosclerosis, aging-related cardiovascular diseases and central nervous system diseases) and cause premature aging.

Is it beneficial for skin and hair?

Antioxidants promote blood circulation and improve cell metabolism.
It gives good results in the treatment of acne, blackheads and wrinkles. It tightens the skin and delays the effects of aging. With its anti-aging feature, it helps to lighten the fine lines on the skin and prevents the development of deep wrinkles. The harmful UV rays of the sun cause rapid wear and premature aging of the skin. Antioxidants repair sun damage and improve the skin's appearance.

To prevent aging…

The most commonly used antioxidants in the cosmetic industry are compounds such as B3, C, E vitamins and Coenzyme Q10, Alpha-lipoic acid, which capture the oxygen radical, called non-enzymatic antioxidants, and break the radical chain reactions.

Dr. Ecz. Neslihan Şahin