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Hair Care in Autumn

While we were enjoying the heat, sand, sea and sun until a very short time ago, we are trying to prepare ourselves for an autumn that has already arrived. Namely, our life, our mood, our skin, our hair, and actually many more. That's what makes the difference so much, the coming and naturally going of each season. Whether it's your mood, your skin, or your hair, each part of us adapts to this order and experiences some changes as the seasons change. What we have to do is to accept this natural cycle and make the necessary preparations. In short, not to be caught in the rain without an umbrella.

In our article last week, we talked about how we can prepare the skin for autumn. This week, our topic is our hair, another most valuable thing that needs to be prepared for autumn. Let's take a look at what preparations we can make for the hair that complements the bridal beauty, and how we can prepare them for the changing seasonal conditions. Here are the details…

Building block: Keratin

Our hair consists of protein molecules called keratin that are resistant to breakage, abrasion and strain. With the processes applied to the hair (blow-drying, dyeing, etc.), environmental factors and aging, the keratin in its structure gradually decreases and unfortunately begins to lose its former health and vitality.

Tired hair from summer

Seasonal change is one of the environmental factors. In the summer season, the hair is worn out due to the sea, sun and pool. The hair, which dries out and loses moisture over time, weakens and starts to fall out with the new seasonal conditions.

Shedding and the seasons

September-October are the times when hair loss is most intense. While under normal conditions, about 100 strands of hair are shed per day, hair loss varies between 100-200 strands during these months. The reason for this is that in July, the hair enters the 'telogen' (resting) process. Thus, with the arrival of autumn, we will say goodbye to the old strands and enter a cycle where new hair production will begin. During this transition period, vitamin and mineral support should not be neglected, and the hair, which is the integral element of beauty, should be given due care and care.

Mesotherapy and support

Yaz sonrası gücünü kaybeden saçın tedavisinde, saçın içeriden ve dışarıdan beslenmesi önemlidir. Saç mezoterapisi, kökleri beslemeye yardımcı vitamin, mineral, protein, kan dolaşımını artırıcı ve anti-oksidanlar karışımının, çok ince iğne uçlarıyla deri altına enjekte edilmesidir. Özellikle mevsim geçişlerinde ya da strese bağlı saç dökülmelerinde faydalıdır. Bu besinsel destek koruyucu keratin kılfının da geliştirilmesini sağlar. Seans sayısı ihtiyaca göre belirlenen saç mezoterapisi işlemiyle, saçınızı dökülmeye karşı koruma altına alabilir, daha güzel
ve sağlıklı saça kavuşabilirsiniz.

Well-known mistakes

Before concluding today's article, I would like to address a few well-known mistakes. Hair that is washed every day on the grounds that it is oily will do more harm than good. The protective layer on the scalp, which dries out with frequent washing, is eroded and dandruff and shedding are observed. The healthiest thing to do is to apply it 2-3 times a week with a suitable shampoo to the scalp by massaging and rinsing with warm water. It should not be forgotten that the main task of shampoos is cleaning. Therefore, after washing, you can add moisture to your hair and renew it with a conditioner rich in B and E vitamins and having intense moisturizing properties.

But the most important thing is to live and eat healthy. Avoid a carbohydrate-heavy diet. Consuming protein foods will make your hair healthier. In addition, the support of B group vitamins to be taken during seasonal transitions and zinc and iron supplements in their deficiency are the magic touches that can provide the care that the hair needs.

Finally, you owe your beauty to your hair. I wish you to have healthy hair that shines brightly at all times, may your beauty always be.

Dr. Ecz. Neslihan Şahin