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To the attention of producers, to the knowledge of consumers

The cosmetics industry is going through a period in which the production and consumption of cosmetics is growing like an avalanche. The interest in cosmetics, which is of great importance in the lives of men as well as women, has enabled many people with investment power to turn to the cosmetics sector, and it has become the future professional dreams of many students. The interest was so high that it was now hosted in TV series and movies. Either he was a handsome man, the owner of a cosmetics company, or he was a beautiful and upright woman, the sole heir to the huge perfume production facilities. So, what do we know about this sector that is growing day by day? I wonder if everything sounds nice from afar, like the sound of a drum? Also, are you aware of the responsibilities of this sector, which is so closely related to human health?

First of all, I would like to remind you that this illuminated world has a long history of existence and a struggle to survive. So much so that it requires a lot of sacrifice, effort and the sum of the experience that will take years. But Not Enough. It requires awareness that does not forget that human health is the most important, sensitivity, follow-up, labor, science and being able to constantly renew and develop are among the parts that are forgotten or not shown.

No job is easy, and this sector, which is closely related to human health, requires people or companies that have devoted themselves to the production of cosmetics to go through many stages and be cooked.

While it is somewhat theoretical, it is essential to start from the ground up. So let's get to know 'Who is the Manufacturer?'

According to the Cosmetic Law No. 5324, the manufacturer; natural or legal person who produces, manufactures, improves a cosmetic product or introduces himself as a manufacturer by placing his name, trademark or distinctive sign on the product; If the manufacturer is located outside of Turkey, the representative or importer authorized by the manufacturer; In addition, it is the natural or legal person involved in the supply chain of the product or whose activities affect the safety features of the product.

Manufacturer's Responsibilities;

  • A notification must be made to the Ministry of Health for each cosmetic product put on the market.
  • Manufacturers who supply cosmetic products to the market with the definition of a cosmetic manufacturer are obliged to notify UZEM (also to the National Poison Information Center) at the time of notification, including the formulation of the product, as well as the names of any substances that require special intervention in case of use, among the product components.
  • Even if you are a cosmetics manufacturer, importer or subcontractor, in short, all cosmetics who own a brand should have an STE (Responsible Technical Personnel) qualified for the service.
  • To supply the product to the market with the information on the inner and outer packaging, which will not harm human health, be safe and comply with the cosmetic regulation.
  • It is also among the responsibilities of those who set their hearts on cosmetics to have the safety assessment done in order to show that the cosmetic product is safe to the person whose properties are specified in the cosmetic regulation, and to ensure that the safety studies are kept up-to-date in the light of additional information after the product is put on the market.
  • Another of the most important items is to control compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and other relevant legislation.

Speaking of good manufacturing practices, I would like to elaborate on this important point and any misconceptions or incomplete understandings of GMP. Good manufacturing practices are based on total quality management, and it is called 'the sum of all planned and systematic activities necessary to provide sufficient confidence that a product or service will meet the given quality requirements'. In addition, applying good manufacturing practices is the responsibility of the top management of the manufacturing company, and it means creating adequate opportunities especially for personnel, plant and machinery. The harmonization studies of the new European Union cosmetic regulation numbered 1223/2009, which entered into force in the EU in July 2013 by the Ministry of Health, have made the ISO 22716 standard, in other words the Good Manufacturing Practices Standard, which is already a responsibility for cosmetic production places. With this obligation, many companies have started to hold ISO 9000 quality system certificates and ISO 14001 environmental management system certificates. Watch out here! The demand of the Ministry of Health from cosmetic manufacturers is not GMP, that is, ISO 22716 certificate. ISO 22716 does not have an accredited certificate and these certificates purchased for high numbers are of no importance to the ministry. So I repeat, Good manufacturing practices are not a certificate to be obtained, but the sum of quality practices to be applied.

  • Another important responsibility that we have heard a lot in the last two years is the preparation of the product information file and keeping the product information file up-to-date in line with the cosmetic undesirable effects (cosmetovigilance) reports.

I would like to give some information about this compulsory responsibility, its reasons and who can prepare it. The reason for the sensitivity here is that today, when people of all ages are consumers of cosmetic products, the cosmetic products used do not contain harmful components to their health, they are reliable products and all kinds of information about the product can be accessed when necessary, and it is guaranteed by laws and regulations. For this purpose, our country acted before Europe and put into effect the guideline on safety assessment in cosmetic products on 27 June 2012. In the European Union, EU regulation 1223/2009 entered into force on 11 July 2013. As such, it has now become a necessity to prepare the safety assessment files of the products that are on sale and will be sold both in Turkey and the EU.

Product Information File in its most general form;

– Defines the product,

– Containing the cosmetic product safety report (which is the crucial part. It consists of two parts under the headings of cosmetic product information safety and cosmetic product safety assessment.)

– Description of the production method and declaration of conformity with good manufacturing practices.

– Proving cosmetic product claims. (If there are claims about the product.)

– It is a comprehensive file that contains information about no animal testing.

Name and address of the authorized or responsible person to make this assessment; This person must have a degree in pharmacy, veterinary medicine, biology, chemistry, biochemistry, toxicology, microbiology, dermatology, medicine or an equivalent science and have sufficient experience.

In short, I wanted to share with you the existence of cosmetic products that we are passionately and passionately attached to. The cosmetics waiting to be bought on the shelves are the products of the manufacturers that can only pass through this great system and complete the existence process. The production, supply to the market and delivery to the end user, which we have discussed in this article, is the completion adventure of the interconnected states of small small rings.

If I was able to open the doors of this magical world for a little while, I am happy for you, everyone who is devoted to the production and consumption of cosmetics.

To a healthy tomorrow with healthy products

May our beauty be forever

Dr. Ecz. Neslihan Şahin