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Conscious Beauty

Every woman wants to be beautiful. Yes, this sentence is correct, but incomplete. Because women always want to be beautiful. Feeling beautiful in every period of your life, looking at every year left behind and saying, “How beautiful I am!” She wants to be able to say and be proud of every new age she enters. Because women are women of all ages and regardless of age, they want to be liked first by their own eyes and then by those of their loved ones. At this point, the consciously beautifying female model comes into play. This model knows, she is always beautiful in every single year of her life. Because she has a beauty consciousness that will defy the years. This means that; she will always be beautiful and she will feel that way.

I think we all started to think of some names about this female model. But if you say, all of them have been achieved as a result of a series of aesthetic applications.
beauty, you are wrong.

It is important to know the five great secrets of conscious beauty, and more importantly, to be able to apply them at all times.

Proper Nutrition

A healthy and glowing skin is only possible with a healthy body. External interventions are doomed to be incomplete unless the right eating habit is gained and will continue to overshadow your beauty. Therefore, the foundation stones of beauty that will last for years are the right eating habits.

Skin Cleansing

In order to maintain the vibrant, bright and elastic appearance that a healthy skin should have, skin cleaning and care should be applied at regular intervals. Purpose; It is to clean the skin from dust, dirt, make-up residues, sebum (oil) and dead cells accumulated on its surface, and also to protect it against external factors. It is a practice that should be done every day.

It should be cleaned morning and evening with a cleansing product suitable for the skin type. Remember that no matter how limited your time is, the five minutes you spend on your skin will return you years in the future.

Regular sport

The first condition of skin beauty is healthy blood circulation. Thanks to the blood circulation that improves with regular exercise, more oxygen is carried to the skin. This will refresh and renew your skin. When we consider the positive effects on your body and mood, regular exercise definitely takes its place among the undeniable beauty secrets.

Tiny Touches

With cosmetic skin care, a series of non-surgical procedures that are not understood to be aesthetic, and filling applications, which are miracles of our age, we are not alone at all. We are pregnant with the desired beauty with tiny touches.

Inner Happiness

Nothing has the power to make you look more beautiful than the reflection of the happiness you feel inside your eyes. The inner happiness, peace and serenity will automatically reflect on your smile and the sparkle in your eyes will shine like the seal of your beauty. Here, I would like to remind the famous philosopher Hegel's sentence "Beauty is the reflection of the absolute soul" and think about it.

Don't expect miracles

Let's not forget that beauty is a whole. Cosmetic products or aesthetic interventions will be built on the foundation stones created by you. The healthier the ground, the more supportive applications you make will carry you and your beauty into the future. That's why we should learn to be realistic and consciously beautify before expecting a miracle. Thus, the expenses we make and the hours we compromise will not disappear, but will take their place in our lives as happy moments in which we pamper ourselves. I wish you to become better consciously, stay with love and health.

Dr. Ecz. Neslihan Şahin