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Would Beauty Be Vintage?

We are familiar with this word from many fields. It has taken its place in our 'vintage' repertoire as an outdated, ever-present, timeless and ever-fashionable term. However, it was never associated with beauty, in fact, it was not mentioned how compatible they were…
While large noses continued to live in their natural state years ago, hazelnut noses shape our perception of beauty today. In the past, chubby women were called beautiful, but suddenly there was a change in body size and thinness was found to be reasonable. While white skin was the symbol of nobility before Christ,

At the beginning of the 20s, the famous fashion designer of that time Coco Chanel's return from the French Riviera with tanned skin brought the bronze skin fashion with it. Bronze skin has become the new symbol of beauty. But one thing has not changed in the name of beauty, and that is that real beauty is actually possible with skin beauty!

That's why today's article is about vintage beauty.

In other words, skin beauty that does not change and always preserves its reality.

Golden rule 1:

Cleaning and moisturizing

The skin should be cleaned twice a day, in the morning and evening. A dehydrated skin is one of the biggest factors that accelerate the signs of aging. Therefore, moisturizer should be applied to cleansed skin.

You should definitely apply the products you apply on your face to your neck area. Otherwise, you may encounter a preserved face but a wrinkled neck.

Golden rule 2:

Peeling applications

In other words, skin peeling process; It is divided into three as superficial, medium depth and deep peeling. Its purpose is to exfoliate the dead skin accumulated on the skin, at the same time to remove the damaged tissues of the skin and to stimulate the skin, thereby accelerating the formation of new cells, making the skin look healthier, brighter and smoother.

With peeling, problems such as skin fatigue, enlarged pores, skin blemishes are eliminated and the skin becomes more elastic. However, the most important thing to remember here is the effect of peeling according to its depth and the risks it carries. While superficial peeling applications can be done at home and with the products offered by many brands, medium and deeper peeling processes should only be performed by experts.

Golden rule 3:

Professional skin care support

You have tried your best to protect your skin, but your skin is still not as smooth and shiny as you wish. Skin scar and spots from the past insist on not going away.
Then it's time for professional support!

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) application is among the most modern and popular professional skin care treatments of recent days. Targeted here; healing of damaged tissues.

What makes PRP special is that besides its support to repair tissue damage;
is its superior performance in facial rejuvenation, scars, acne and spot treatments, wrinkles and skin sagging.

Golden rule 4:

Do not delay application

Do not compromise your skin to be beautiful all the time. Because when it comes to beauty, the only thing that never goes out of fashion and always preserves its importance is skin beauty.

Dr. Ecz. Neslihan Şahin