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The New Passion for Beauty: Light Filler

With each new beginning, we open our eyes and say "Hello"; Deeply wishing that it will be beautiful to the unknowns that that day will bring to us. Although we cannot express it fully, we choose this word immediately, our wishes underlying the beautiful.

This word is so integrated with us. Then our eyes catch on the mirror. We are watching our own reflection in one breath. We want to look beautiful, most of all ourselves.
Even the day we will spend and our expectations in life are shaped by the beauty we can feel. Age is advancing, responsibilities are increasing and unfortunately we continue our journeys with the same spirit but with a slightly older silhouette every day. Here, life puts another responsibility on us. It reminds us that we should protect our skin, because skin beauty is the basic steps of being beautiful.

Fortunately, modern-day technology agrees with us. That's why a new technique is being developed with each new day so that our beauty will be permanent. Today, we open our eyes to the Light Filler Application. Let's examine it together.

What? How is it done?

Light filler aims to restore the vitality and vitality of the skin, which has been lost with advancing age, and to ensure that its color gains a more radiant and healthy appearance, as in younger ages. This process is the name given to the popular soft tissue filling application of recent times, where mesotherapy and filling applications are performed together.

What is its relationship to hyaluronic acid?

Our skin consists of the epidermis, the outermost layer, the dermis and subcutaneous tissues underneath. Hyaluronic acid (HA), on the other hand, is an essential intermediate found in the dermis tissue, but it is present in all living organisms. Thanks to its ability to bind water a thousand times its volume, it increases the volume and elasticity of the dermis and has great benefits for our skin. However, this valuable substance in our body decreases with age.
The biggest factor that makes light filler successful is that HA, which is already in our body, is produced in a laboratory environment and made available as a filling material. In addition, it is to reinforce the supporting combinations (amino acids, antioxidants and moisturizers) to the required areas under the name of youth glow.

What are the application areas?

Light Filler creates a luminous and bright appearance on the face. It is a type of filling that supports the skin to regain the longed for baby-like skin.
It can be applied to the entire face, under the eyes and neck area. It is administered with tiny injections with the lidocaine anesthetic it contains. Thus, we can achieve the skin glow we desire painlessly.

How often should it be done?

It would be really nice to have a glowing skin for the rest of our life with a single application. But remember, our skin ages too. Therefore, it is necessary to repeat these practices. Of course, how often it should be renewed varies according to age and the needs of the skin. But for a start, three applications at three-week intervals are appropriate.

I wish you to always feel beautiful, may your beauty be forever.

Dr. Ecz. Neslihan Şahin