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Four treatment in one with HydraFacial

Beauty literally means a quality that evokes a sense of aesthetic pleasure and enjoyment. So, how can a perception of beauty arouse a sense of liking in us? Symmetrical features, a beautiful nose, full lips, high cheekbones and large eyes.

I think most of us agree on these qualities that make up today's perception of beauty. And I'm afraid most of us are deficient. Because there is a very small and forgotten detail at the bottom of everything: skin beauty.

my request; It was to remind once again that beauty is only possible with a beautiful skin. Now, I will talk about HydraFacial, a new technology wonder that makes a great contribution to a beautiful skin, offers four cares together and can be applied in all four seasons.

What is HydraFacial?

It is a new generation medical care process consisting of combined procedures that deeply cares for the face, neck and décolleté, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, renews it and removes dead tissue.

How many stages?

It is an application that includes four care needs of the skin, including cleansing, renewal, moisturizing and antioxidant protection.

What are the skin benefits?

It aims to restore the lost form of the skin, which wears out over time and loses its health, with moisture, vitamin and mineral support.

First of all, it cleans the skin deeply and purifies it from toxins and helps you have a more durable, flexible and radiant skin. HydraFacial, which is also effective on fine lines, sun spots and excessive oiliness, is used for acne treatment as well as clearing blackheads by opening the pores.

Environmental factors affect skin beauty

How is it different from classic skin care?

In Hydrafacial, which is different from classical skin care, your skin is steamed and no tightening is done. Therefore, no redness or unexpected effects are observed.

HydraFacial MD sistemi (Vortex) isimli özel bir teknolojiye sahip başlıkla çalışır. Basınçla püskürtme yapan bu başlıkla cilt, derinlemesine temizlenir, ölü hücrelerden, siyah noktalardan ve aşırı yağdan
rahatlıkla arındırılır.

Clogged pores are opened by peeling the skin at a micro level. Moisturizing and nourishing the skin is provided by giving solutions containing antioxidants, hyaluronic acid and peptides to the opened pores.

For stains and fine wrinkles on the skin, treatment is provided by applying special serums and Led Therapy systems.

In the Led Therapy system, while the blue light clears the pores by destroying the bacteria that cause acne; Red LED therapy for fine wrinkles stimulates elastin-collagen fibers and tightens the skin.

What makes this new generation skin care most special and reliable is Hydrafacial's 'Best Skin Treatment Award', as well as being the only skin care device approved by the FDA (American Food and Drug Administration).

How often should it be done? Is it enough to do it once?

HydraFacial application time is about half an hour and the skin
It varies between 4-8 sessions depending on the need. After reaching the desired skin, it will be useful to repeat once a month to maintain the result.

If it cannot be done once a month, I recommend having it done every three months, four times a year. Because our skin is exposed to environmental factors every day, so regular care is essential for skin beauty and health.

Remember; The real beauty is in the details, and it's your skin that will make the biggest difference in that seemingly tiny detail.

Wishing you always have a beautiful skin, may your beauty be forever.

Dr. Ecz. Neslihan Şahin