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Happy Results with Little Touches

Life is full of facts that we cannot resist. The truths that we run away from because we are afraid of confrontation, and that we are caught even if we want to hide… Just as we cannot resist gravity, we cannot prevent aging.

We are not the same age. The worst thing is, the soul matures, but still a child remains a little bit fresh, as if in the prime of his youth.

When we say New Year's Eve, birthdays, special days, that's when we realize the time. And suddenly we find ourselves in front of the mirror! After our reflection we saw a surprise. Who knows how old our minds are stuck in our state? The image in the mirror is both the same woman and not. What is this? Each of our lines is before us like the fresh traces of the past years and we ask that certain question cowardly: "Mirror mirror, tell me?"

Yes, the part here is our past years. Bitter and sweet, our most precious memories. The story that will start from here is our future.

“Is it good to get old too?” Do not say, do not miss to benefit from the technology and innovations of our age. Therefore, today I would like to introduce you to an anti-aging application that aims at rapid healing and revitalization of tissues and initiates the tissue regeneration process: PRP. Here are frequently asked questions and answers about this app:

What is PRP?

It is the abbreviated name of the treatment method called Platelet Rich Plasma (platelet enriched plasma application). PRP contains various growth factors and other cytokines that will accelerate the healing of soft tissue.

Platelet-rich plasma therapy is an ancient therapy and is widely used in dermatology, orthopedics and dentistry specialties. Today, it has started to be applied as a new skin rejuvenation method.

What is a platelet?

In its most basic form, blood cells are divided into three: red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets, which provide clotting.

When the tissue is damaged or bleeding begins, platelets come first and adhere to the bleeding area, helping to form a clot. Immediately after that, other cells that provide tissue healing come to the damaged area, and the tissue is healed in a short time.

Briefly, platelets, also known as platelets, are small blood cells that have the task of healing tissue damage and starting the repair process.

How does the application take place?

8-10 cc of the patient. blood is taken and centrifuged. Then the cellular part of the blood is separated from the plasma part. Yellow colored plasma is drawn into the injector and applied under the skin.

In the case of PRP, the blood taken is separated so that serum is at the top, fat is left in the middle, and clot is left at the bottom.

As a result of this separation, 45 percent is cells and 55 percent is plasma. Since the platelets in the plasma secrete growth factors, this is the part that is applied to the skin.

this is the part that is applied to the skin.

How does it affect the skin?

PRP is a medical application and should only be done by doctors. In other words, the part with abundant thrombocyte is applied to the desired area either by mesotherapy method or by turning it into a mask. Thus, by reversing the effects of tissue damage or aging, natural growth factors are given to the desired area.

PRP application regenerates and restructures the skin in the most natural way. It is long effective. Sun and age spots soften, bags under the eyes and purple discoloration are improved. Fine lines soften. It removes wrinkles and lines by rejuvenating, not filling them.

How many sessions are required?

Three sessions are held at three-week intervals once a year. Immediately after the application, a healthy bright image is obtained on the skin. However, after 21 days, which is the self-renewal period of the skin, the effects become evident.

As a result, it is not possible to stop aging. However, with PRP applications, we can protect the skin, soften the scars from the past and wake up to the future with a healthy and bright skin. Wishing you to wake up to better tomorrows, may your beauty be forever.

What are the medical aesthetic application areas of PRP?

In the treatment of under-eye bruises,

In hair and scalp applications (in lifeless and dull hair, it is aimed to increase hair quality)

In the removal of lines and wrinkles on the skin,

In the treatment of blemishes and acne scars,

Loss of elasticity and skin sagging,

It is a type of treatment applied to the face, neck, decollete area, hands, arms and legs.

Dr. Ecz. Neslihan Şahin