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No Blackheads

Comedones, colloquially known as 'blackheads', are a common problem that casts a shadow over the beauty of the skin. That's why you don't know about them, about the causes and treatment of blackheads. I will share the information with you

What are comedones?

Comedones, commonly known as 'blackheads'; It occurs when sebum or keratin scale fills the oil follicle of the skin.

Why does it develop?

The most important reason is the increase in oil production. Blackheads are the first sign of acne. The fat masses formed with the increased oil production block the channels reaching the pores and cannot be eliminated from the skin. As a result of this blockage, black dots are formed.

Why is it black?

It is not black because of the dirt, as is popularly thought. Its tip darkens due to the oxidation of air. That is, its black color is due to keratin and oil oxidation.

How is it different from acne?

Blackhead is the beginning period of acne (acne). If the sebaceous follicle that causes blackheads becomes inflamed, acne may occur. However, not all of them turn into acne.

Is skin type a factor?

Yes, it is a factor, as oil secretion varies according to the type of skin we have.

In normal skin; black spots, flakiness or shine are not uncommon. Perhaps, it is vaguely visible on the nose.

combination skin; It is the most common skin type with blackheads. Oily around the forehead, nose, and chin, which is called the T-zone, and related comedones, pores and acne can be seen.

In dry skin; There is usually no formation related to oiliness. For this reason, it takes its place among the skin type that does not suffer from blackheads.

In oily skin; Excessive lubrication of the skin occurs as a result of the sebaceous glands working more than normal. It is the skin type where blackheads are most common.

However, I would like to remind you that; Every skin that is not cleaned with the right products at the right frequency will have its share of blackhead formation. Therefore; Regardless of skin type, attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the skin.

In what situations does it occur?

The blackhead problem is most common in people who do not take care of their skin. It is a very common condition, especially during puberty, when changes in hormone levels occur, as more lubrication than normal is observed on the skin. In women, it can be observed in the weeks before and after the menstrual period.

Should it be squeezed?

Let's say the blackhead is not inflamed, but it bothers you in terms of appearance. In this case, I will not say "It can be squeezed out". Because there is a danger of pushing a part of the blocked plug into the follicle during squeezing.

You can also cause infection and permanent scars on the skin. Therefore, it is useful to turn to professional solutions.

How should it be treated?

The purpose of blackhead treatment is to clean and open the clogged oil channels. Therefore, patients with only comedones usually do not require systemic treatment. The most basic need is to give importance to the cleanliness of the skin. Cosmetic products will help you. Also, clay masks to be applied after a steam bath (known to balance oil production and remove excess oil) will be supportive in your fight against blackheads. The point that should not be forgotten here is not to confuse oil and moisture. In addition, after skin cleansing or a clay mask, moisturizer should be applied.

Dr. Ecz. Neslihan Şahin